City Handbook Flipbook

26 a. In the event of serious illness or injury, dial 911 and request emergency personnel and an ambulance. b. If the situation directs, 911 will notify the Lamar Police Department. c. Notify the building HPA. d. Assist ambulance and emergency personnel as required, but do not interfere with the performance of their duties. B. Fire. An employee encountering a fire within or adjacent to any City building or structure should perform the following: a. Alert co-workers by calling the word, “Fire!” b. Dial 911 and request Fire Department response, explaining the address, nature and extent of the fire, your name, and the phone number from which you are calling. Whenever possible, assure that two individuals make this phone call. All fires, no matter how minor, should be reported via 911. C. Workplace Terrorism. Workplace terrorism is an event that could include an explosive device, a chemical or biological attack or any other form of violence threatening a facility or function and compromises the health and well being of an individual(s). Threats may be received by telephone or mail. a. If an employee receives a threat by telephone, it is of prime importance that the EMPLOYEE RECEIVING THE CALL, HANDLES THE CALL, and makes no attempt to have the call transferred or placed on hold. The following should be performed: b. Above all, KEEP CALM. c. Obtain as much information as possible from the caller; i. What are the person’s demands or reason for the threat? ii. What time is the threat to become real (i.e. time a bomb is set for detonation)? iii. Have a co-worker inform the Lamar Police Department and the HPA. d. If the threat is obtained by mail, exercise extreme care in its handling. i. DO NOT attempt to open a suspicious envelope or package. ii. If a threat is discovered after opening a seemingly harmless envelope or package handle with care to keep the envelope or package and its contents intact and avoid impairment of any possible clues, which might be uncovered in later analysis.