25 c. Exercise command responsibility for orderly movement of all personnel in the building, into or out of the building as emergency dictates. d. Conduct periodic inspections to assure this guide is accessible and familiar to all employees and an evacuation plan is posted in conspicuous places. e. Plan personnel movement (evacuation) procedures. f. Clearly identify evacuation routes. g. Assure that all personnel have safely vacated the building when required by department count. Special provisions shall be made for all handicapped persons as necessary. h. Assure that elevators are NOT used for purposes of personnel evacuation. i. Assure all fire doors are closed. j. Appoint in-house lines of succession of authority and responsibility. k. Assure that personnel are assembling in a designated area at least 100 feet from the building for safety and counting purposes. l. Assess the nature and extent of damage resulting from any emergency action or activity and report this information to the City Administrator. m. Hold annual drills and keep plan, routes, etc., current or revised. B. Employee Actions a. Don’t panic – keep calm. b. Dial 911 to report the fire or emergency. Notify the person in the Highest Position of Authority who is immediately available. c. After calling 911, the person reporting the fire or other emergency or the person in the Highest Position of Authority (if notified) should contact the Human Resource Manager within the first work day of the accident. d. Floor Captains should ensure that employees PROMPTLY secure their immediate workstation and proceed to the appropriate pre-designated escape route. 7-05 Emergency Condition Actions A. Illness or Injury. In the event an employee becomes ill or injured, the employee’s associates should do the following: