City Handbook Flipbook

15 a work site at reduced speeds to help protect the work crew. For both of these functions, the flag person must, at all times, be clearly visible to approaching traffic for a distance sufficient to permit proper response by the motorist to the flagging instructions, and to permit traffic to reduce speed before entering the work site. In positioning flag persons, consideration must be given to maintaining color contrast between the flag person’s protective garments and the environment. d. The flag person shall not personally direct traffic to proceed or give any hand signals of any kind. Instead, an official traffic control device (for example: the slow paddle) shall be used when it is safe for traffic to proceed. D. Trenching a. All excavation work must be planned and consideration must be given to traffic and other nearby activities. b. It shall be the responsibility of the department director and/or supervisor in charge to become familiar with OSHA rules and regulations governing excavations and to conform to said rules. c. Trench shoring or sheeting will be used whenever the excavation exceeds four (4) feet in depth or is sloped back on a two (2) to one (1) basis. d. All backfill or spoil will be placed at least three (3) feet back from the open trench E. Use of Lights on Construction Vehicles a. Flashing, oscillating warning lights shall be turned on whenever a service vehicle is stopped where work is being performed or whenever it obstructs traffic. Unless it is absolutely necessary, vehicles shall not be parked where they obstruct traffic. b. Rotating lights shall be used at all times when sweeping, salting, or sanding streets or when plowing snow. c. Flashing lights will not be used when a vehicle is moving, except as noted in (b) above or when moving so slowly as to impede traffic. 5-09 Tools and Equipment A. Select the right tool for the job. B. Keep tools and equipment in good working condition. C. 1. Do not work with defective equipment. 2. Inspect tools regularly to insure proper repair or replacement.