City Handbook Flipbook

14 equipped with safety chains and proper hitches. Electric brakes shall be installed on all trailers exceeding 3,000 pounds gross weight and checked regularly. K. The fueling of equipment such as lawnmowers, loaders, graders, tractors, etc. shall be done when the engine is shut off and smoking materials are extinguished. 5-08 Signs, Signals, and Barricades A. Construction warning signs shall be used at all times when work is performed in public right-of-ways. Personnel should never be permitted to perform work operations where they are exposed to traffic hazards unless adequate protection is provided by one or more of the following measures: a. An enclosed protected area outlined by adequate barricades, traffic cones, or signs. b. Under the protection of a flag person, or the displaying of high-level warning flags between the employee and traffic flow. c. Work vehicles parked between employee and traffic flow; with advance warning devices positioned either at the end of or mounted on vehicle facing approaching traffic. B. Traffic Barricades and Signs: a. Barricades and signs shall be properly placed before any street construction or maintenance activity begins in which employees shall be subject to hazards or where the public may be subject to driving hazards. b. Hazard signs, cones barricades, and other traffic warning devices shall be used whenever work is being performed in public right-of-ways. Whenever possible, signs should be placed at least one hundred (100) feet or four times the speed limit ahead of work. c. Where operations are performed in stages, only those devices that apply to the conditions that exist shall be in place. Signs that do not apply to existing conditions shall be removed, covered, or turned so as not to be readable by oncoming traffic. C. Flagging a. A certified flagger shall be provided when operations are such that signs and barricades do not provide the necessary protection. b. The use of an orange vest and hardhat shall be provided for flag persons. For nighttime conditions, similar outside garments shall be reflectorized. c. Certified flag persons are provided at work sites to stop traffic as necessitated by work progress or to maintain continuous traffic flow past