3 management and may vary from those described in this Manual. The City's Police Department has adopted extensive policies in order to address the unique operational characteristics of law enforcement and to achieve and maintain CACP accreditation. These operational policies and procedures shall not conflict with the other provisions of general application set forth in this Manual. In the event of any such conflict, the generally applicable te rms and provisions of this Manual shall control, but only to the extent necessary to resolve the conflict. Section 6. Legality of Content As of the date of issue, this revised Personnel Policy Manual becomes effective and shall supersede prior personnel regulations. If any section, item, clause or phrase contained in this Manual is found to be illegal or otherwise incorrect or in conflict with an ordinance or law, such findings shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of the Manual. In the event of any conflict between one or more of the provisions of this Manual, a City Ordinance or a State or federal law, the ordinance or law shall govern. Section 7. Availability of the Personnel Policy Manual The Personnel Policy Manual is available to employees at all times, and its availability shall be communicated to all employees. Additional copies of this Manual are available by request through the Department Director or the Human Resources Office. It is the responsibility of all employees to be familiar with the policies and procedures set forth in this Manual. Respective Department Directors of the City of Lamar shall endeavor to ensure that every employee in their department is made aware of the contents of this Manual and all departmental rules and regulations, if any. In the event an employee has questions regarding the contents of this Manual, the employee may contact his/her Supervisor, their Department Director, the Human Resources Office or the City Administrator for clarification. This Manual has been prepared for the information and guidance of employees working at the City of Lamar. It is intended to cover the procedures, rules and policies that are most often applied to day-to-day activities. Some of the information will change from time to time since the City's policies are under constant review and are revised when appropriate. To the fullest extent reasonably possible under then-current circumstances such changes will be communicated to all employees in writing, in advance of their implementation. There is no guarantee of employment made to any employee in this Manual and none should be inferred with respect to any employee. Employees, after receipt of their copy of this Manual, which contains personnel policies affecting their employment, must sign a "Receipt of the Personnel Manual" form indicating they have read and understand the City's personnel policies. Section 8. Amendment or Revision of the Personnel Policy Manual All policies and procedures set forth in this Manual shall be subject to adoption, amendment, modification, revision, termination or elimination by formal action of City Council. Proposed amendments to this Manual shall be prepared by the City Administrator and reviewed for legality by the City Attorney and/or appropriate legal counsel. Section 9. Colorado Open Records Act Nothing in this Manual shall be construed to authorize the withholding of public records and documents that by law are required to be disclosed upon proper request, made in conformity with applicable law, including, but not limited to, the Colorado Open Records Act, Article 72 of Title 24,