58 DEFINITIONS AND ACRONYMS Anniversary Date: The annual observance of the employee's original date of hire for uninterrupted employment with the City of Lamar. • Department Director: A management official responsible for overseeing one of the City's seven functional Departments (listed below), and who has supervisory authority over the Department: • Department of Planning and Community Development • Department of Public Works • Department of Information Resources • Department of Law Enforcement • Department of Parks & Recreation • Department of Fire & EMS Municipal • Library Elected Official: Mayor and City Council member(s) as identified in the Home Rule Charter of the City of Lamar. Employer: The City Government and its subsidiary organizations and enterprises. Employee: A person who is hired to perform work for the City and who receives compensation for work performed. The term "employee" does not include persons who are Independent Contractors, Bona-Fide Volunteers, Bona-Fide Trainees (receiving stipend payments), Prisoners, or Elected Officials (who receive fee payment, honorarium, travel compensation, etc.). Immediate Family Member: spouse, parent, child, mother-in-law, father-in-law, brother, brother-in-law, sister, sister-in-law, grandparent, grandchild, niece, nephew, aunt, uncle, stepfather, stepmother, stepchild, stepbrother, stepsister, legal guardian, or a person with whom the employee shares a household in a personal relationship Program Director: A mid-level management official who typically reports toa Department Director and is responsible for administering an office or program/project and who has supervisory authority. Range Minimum: The minimum of the appropriate salary range will be paid to employees who meet the base-level qualifications for the position at the time of first hire. Range Mid-point: The mid-point in the salary range for each position establishes the rate, which a fully qualified employee with several years of direct experience would be paid. A fully qualified employee is one who demonstrates sustained performance that "meets all requirements" of the position, as well as all department criteria. Range Maximum: The maximum of a salary range; normally provides an upper limit of what employees in that position may be paid. Reasonable Cause: Specific and articulable facts and inferences that would lead a reasonable person to believe that an employee 1) has contraband in their possession, 2) is under the influence of alcohol or illegal substances, 3) is using an illegal substance(s), or 4) is misusing prescription drugs. Supervisor: As used in this Policy, a generic term for a management employee who is responsible for assigning, directing, coordinating and monitoring an employee's functional duties, daily work activities, and performance. City: City of Lamar, Colorado Government, a political sub-division of the State of Colorado; established May 5, 1886. Visitors: Those who are not employees of the City, including employees' families or friends, vendors, consultants, and clients.