City Handbook Flipbook

56 in that case, the employee will contribute the full 8% of pre-tax earnings to the City's Employee Pension Plan, and the City will make its full contribution of an amount equal to 9.09% of the employee's pre-tax earnings to the Employee Pension Plan. INTEGRATED SOCIAL SECURITY PENSION PLAN If the employee chooses to continue to participate in the Federal Social Security Program, the employee will contribute 6.2% of the employee's pre-tax earnings to Social Security, and will pay 1.8% of pre-tax earnings to the Employee Pension Plan. The City will pay a matching 6.2% of the employee's pre-tax earnings to Social Security, and will contribute an amount equal to 2.89% of the employee's pre-tax earnings to the Employee Pension Plan. DEFERRED COMPENSATION PROGRAM Upon employment, any employee may voluntarily choose to participate in a 457 DeferredCompensation Program through a payroll deduction. Section 4. Employee Training & Development It is the Policy of the City to encourage its employees to further their professional development in fields of study directly related to their present job assignment and for normal lines of career progression within the City. The City believes that the continuing education and professional development of its employees will result in improvement in the effectiveness and efficiency of the delivery of services to the City's citizens. Also, employees in certain job classifications or assignments with the City are required by regulatory agencies of the State or Federal government to attend continuing professional education classes or seminars to attain or maintain professional certifications. The City may choose to pay for education that will improve the employee's ability to contribute to the mission of the City, or for the training necessary to attain or maintain professional certification required of certain job classifications, provided that budgeted funds are available. The City may also provide paid time off from work and necessary travel expenses for the employee to attend educational sessions. Section 5. Tuition Reimbursement Program The intent of this program is to provide assistance in the form of an additional benefit to employees who may wish to further their formal education as it relates to their present or future employment with the City, including logical relationship to a probable, future assignment. Education funded under this program must be for college accredited coursework earning college credit hours. The program is administered as follows: ELIGIBILITY Tuition reimbursement is available to all Regular, Full-Time and Part-Time employees who have completed one year of service with the City and are actively employed at the time of their application. If the employee normally works less than forty (40) hours per week, this benefit may be pro-rated. FUNDING Tuition reimbursement is contingent upon the availability of budgeted funds. When budgeted funds are available, eligible employees may submit an application for reimbursement of tuition costs. Other related costs such as books, fees, supplies, etc., may also be reimbursed depending on the availability of funding. The application for reimbursement will include evidence of payment of the costs, such as receipts, by the employee Section 6. Safety Shoes Employees in field-working departments shall be eligible for an annual allowance for safety shoes of a type approved by OSHA. The Department Director will identify which employees shall be