52 3. What the employee should be doing and specific steps which must be taken to correct the behavior cited in the warning. 4. A reasonable time limit in which to correct the behavior, or show improved performance. 5. What further corrective actions may occur if the employee does not correct the problem. The written warning should be signed and dated by the employee, to indicate that the employee has read and understands the information. If the employee refuses to sign the written warning, another member of management will be asked to sign as a witness that the employee has seen, but refused to sign the warning. One copy of the written warning will be given to the employee (whether or not the employee signed it); one copy maintained by the Director and the original kept in the employee's permanent personnel file in the Human Resources Office. ADMINISTRATIVE LEAVE Under certain circumstances, it may be necessary to remove an employee from the work place pending investigation or pre-disciplinary hearing, and the determination of the final recommended Corrective Action, if any. In such cases, the Department Director may place an employee on Administrative Leave. The Human Resources Manager and the City Administrator will be notified when an employee is placed on AdministrativeLeave. Administrative Leave should be limited to the amount of time necessary to conduct the investigation, or conduct the Pre-Determination Hearing and make a final determination. After the investigation or hearing is conducted, the results are to be communicated to the employee(s). The results must be in writing, a copy given to the employee and the original maintained in the employee's permanent personnel file. At the City Administrator's discretion, Administrative Leave may be with or without pay. Depending on the outcome of the investigation, further Corrective Action may be imposed. SUSPENSION The Department Director may recommend to the City Administrator that the employee be Suspended. Suspension will be without pay. The Suspension will be imposed for a specific length of time with a date of return to work. Before imposing a Suspension, the Department Director will provide the employee with a written, Notice of Intent to Suspend. DISCHARGE The Department Director may recommend to the City Administrator that the employee be Discharged. Under certain circumstances, an immediate Discharge may be appropriate. Before imposing a Discharge, the Department Director will provide the employee with a written, Notice of Intent to Discharge. PRE-DETERMINATION HEARING Regular Employees, who have successfully completed their Introductory Period, and who receive a Notice of Intent to Suspend or Discharge shall be granted a Pre-Determination Hearing prior to implementation of the Corrective Action. The purpose of the Hearing is to provide the employee the opportunity to present additional or mitigating information that may have a bearing on the case to the City Administrator. The Hearing will be scheduled to occur within two (2) working days after the Notice of Intent has been issued. The Human Resources Manager shall notify the employee of the date, time and location of the hearing. The City Administrator or his designee shall meet with the employee, the employee's Supervisor