City Handbook Flipbook

52 letter of reference. Section 14. Contraband in the Workplace Employees do not have a reasonable expectation of privacy in City-owned vehicles, workstations, lockers, desks, cabinets, or file drawers, all of which are owned by the City. The City may access and search any of these locations as necessary to ensure a workplace free from illegal drugs, alcohol, stolen property, illegal content, or unauthorized weapons; collectively referred to as contraband. The City may also conduct searches of employee lunch boxes, briefcases, purses, coats, toolboxes, and other personal property of employees, and their contents may be searched by law enforcement officers in certain circumstances after obtaining consent and any required legal authorization. Section 15. Corrective Action For the purposes of achieving the City's mission, goals and objectives, this policy is a guide for correcting instances of unacceptable work behavior or poor performance and providing employees the opportunity to succeed. The City may proceed with suspension or discharge at any point in the Corrective Action process, at its sole discretion, taking into consideration business necessity and the seriousness of the employee infraction. If an employee is uncertain what the job expectations are, it is the employee's responsibility to ask for assistance and the Supervisor's responsibility is to provide reasonable guidance, coaching and resources to the employee in order to improve the employee's performance. Corrective Disciplinary penalties are available to the Supervisor if necessary to ensure that everyone understands the importance the City places on fully- engaged, courteous, team effort and continuous improvement from all employees. Types of Corrective Actions are defined below. The Supervisor has the discretion to administer any of the following available types of Corrective Action at any stage of the Corrective Action procedure based upon the circumstances of the case. The appropriate Corrective Action imposed will be determined according to the severity and nature of the behavior in question. Notification of Corrective Action(s) taken will be provided by the Department Director to the Human Resources Manager. CORRECTIVE COUNSELING An employee's Supervisor may meet with the employee to notify him or her of the observed performance or behavior problem. The purpose of the meeting will be to describe the corrective actions that the employee needs to take, and how progress toward improved performance will be measured. The employee will be notified also that if performance does not improve, additional corrective action may follow, up to and including Termination. Corrective Counseling will be documented by the Department Director but will not be entered in the employee's official personnel file. The intent of the Counseling is to be constructive in nature and should be applied in a positive manner so that corrective action can be taken by the employee. WRITTEN WARNING A written warning will be in the form of a written memo to the employee, with a copy to the employee's permanent personnel file in the Human Resources Office. Corrective action the employee must take for improvement and schedules will be established with methods set for followup. The written warning will state: 1. What the employee has done, or is doing wrong, if a policy was violated, which policy, and any prior offenses by the employee. 2. What affect the behavior or lack of performance has on other employees, on the City, on customers, etc.