City Handbook Flipbook

51 and forms, Loan information (including verification of employment requests) Direct deposit authorization, Saving plan/investment plan enrollment forms 3. The Restricted Access File contains any employment related information such as: Sign-up sheets for benefits, Results of drug screens, Signed consumer report disclosure (if applicable), Background investigation reports, Insurance plan information, Disability status information (when not pertinent to the employee's assignment), Protected health information, medical information Informal memos, and other information related to an individual but not to personnel activity will not be kept as part of the personnel records. This includes informal comments about co-workers, e-mail jokes, etc. I-9 verification forms required as part of any immigration tracking requirements will be kept separately from any other personnel records. I-9 forms will be filed by year then alphabetically in a binder. Only completed and signed I-9 forms will be retained. All terminated employee's 1-9 forms will be kept in a separate I-9 "Terminated" binder; sorted by year then alphabetized by last name. FILE ACCESS Access to all personnel files is restricted to authorized employees on a "need to know" basis. Personnel files are the property of the City and may not be removed from the Human Resources Office. The City Administrator will determine who has a "need to know". Any employee may arrange to see his/her Personnel, Financial and Restricted Access Files. This can be done by written request to the Human Resources Manager and arranging an appointment. Employees examining their personnel files must do so under the supervision of authorized personnel. The file may not be removed from the office, but a copy of documents signed by the employee can be made available with the courtesy of a request in advance. Once copies have been issued to the employee, the employee assumes the responsibility for maintaining the confidentiality of the information. RETENTION OF RECORDS Such records shall be maintained on a current basis for each employee. Records of former employees shall be maintained for at least ten (10) years following termination. 1-9 forms for terminated employees will be kept either for three (3) years after hire or one year after termination, whichever time period is longer. After this time periodall documents will be shredded. DOCUMENTATION OF PERSONNEL ACTIONS All personnel actions will be documented on a Personnel Action Form (PAF) to ensure accurate maintenance of personnel record relative to leave, employment, and personnel status changes. Responsibility for documentation is as follows: Request for personnel actions, such as changes in compensation, completion of introductory period, termination, promotion, or transfer will be initiated by the Director. Personal changes, such as changes in address, name, telephone number, marital status, number of dependents, etc. will be initiated by the employee. RELEASING JOB REFERENCES All requests for information about a current, retired, or terminated employee made by anyone other than such employee must be transferred to the Human Resources Manager who may disclose to prospective employers only the former employee's dates of employment, final title or position, job location, disciplinary record, if any, and eligibility for rehire. With the employee's prior written permission, the HR Manager, or his/her designee, may give an employment and salary history or