City Handbook Flipbook

49 Password security and integrity. Employees are prohibited from the unauthorized use of the passwords of other employees to gain access to their e-mail and voicemail messages. Use of Licensed Software. The City respects all computer software copyrights and adheres to the terms of all software licenses to which the City is a part. Employees may not duplicate any licensed software or related documentation for use either on City property or elsewhere unless the City is expressly authorized to do so by agreement with the licensor. Unauthorized duplication of software may subject the employee and/or the City to both civil and criminal penalties under the United States Copyright Act. Employees may not give software to any non-employees including contractors, customers, and others. Employees may use software on local area networks or on multiple machines only in accordance with applicable license agreements. DESK PHONES AND CELL-PHONES The primary purpose of all desk phones and City-issued cell phones is for employees to conduct City business. Personal long-distance phone calls on City owned phones are not permitted. Personal phone calls during working hours distract employees from their duties and may be disruptive to coworkers. Employees must therefore limit the placing or receiving of personal calls during working hours. Making or receiving personal phone calls while at work shall be allowed outside of the building or in break areas while the employee is on an approved break. Employees are expected to inform friends and family members of this policy and will be held accountable for their actions under the City's Corrective Action policy. Any charges billed to the City with respect to an employee's making or receiving of personal long distance calls shall be promptly reimbursed by the employee. The employee has sole responsibility for a City-issued cell phone. Care should be taken to avoid equipment theft and damage. In the case of negligence resulting in damage or theft, the employee may be responsible for replacement costs. Use of a cell phone for any purpose while driving a vehicle is prohibited. If you must receive or make a voice call or text message, pull the vehicle you are driving over to the nearest, safe place. Section 12. Drug & Alcohol-Free Workplace It is the Policy of the City to provide a workplace reasonably free of known hazards. The City views the use and presence of illegal drugs, including marijuana, and the abuse of legal drugs and alcohol as extreme hazards to employees, visitors, customers and the community. The City intends to ensure a drug and alcohol-free workplace, to establish guidelines for responding to incidents of abuse of controlled substances and alcohol by employees of the City, and to provide a safe and secure workplace for all employees, visitors and guests. In addition to the policy directives provided in this Section, the City has adopted a Drug and Alcohol Testing Policy which is included in this Manual by reference and establishes guidelines for maintaining a Drug-Free Workplace as required in the Federal Drug-Free Workplace Act. This Policy applies regardless of whether the employee's conduct constitutes an illegal act or whether the employee in question is criminally prosecuted and/or convicted for such conduct. The City prohibits the unlawful manufacture, use, distribution, possession or sale of any illegal substance in the workplace, including illicit drugs and other controlled substances. The City further prohibits the presence or use of alcohol by employees, while at work or on City property, except when attending sanctioned functions after hours at City facilities. Distribution of prescription drugs to others or use of those drugs in a manner other than as prescribed by a physician is similarly prohibited while at work or on City property. Reporting for work, or conducting City business while intoxicated, whether by alcohol, Marijuana, or other substance, is expressly prohibited.