47 Safety in the work place is everyone's business and requires the personal commitment of each employee. The following represent the general guidelines for maintaining a workplace free of recognizable hazards. • The City has issued a Safety Manual which describes safe work processes and rules that will be applicable to the particular work being done by the various Programs in work areas throughout the City. Employees must familiarize themselves with the Safety Manual, and supervisors must ensure that employees, contractors and visitors follow its provisions. • Seat belts must be worn at all times while driving or riding in any motor vehicle while on City business. • Employees are prohibited from using a cell-phone while driving a vehicle on City business. A driver, who must use a cell-phone, must first pull over to the side of the road in a safe location, out of traffic. • All accidents, "near misses" and incidents where someone could have been injured must be reported to the Supervisor. Employees who observe an unsafe condition should report the condition to the immediate supervisor as soon as possible. If the condition persists, the employee should state the problem in writing and submit it to the Department Director. Section 9. Anti-Violence It is the City's policy to provide a safe, violence-free workplace. Workplace violence will not be tolerated. The following acts are examples of workplace violence which will not be tolerated: any assault (the threat of violence) or battery (wrongful physical contact with a person); intimidation; harassment, including harassing surveillance or stalking. Violations of this policy by any employee on the City's property, or by any employee acting as a representative of the City while off the City's property, will lead to Corrective Action, and/or legal action as appropriate. For instances involving actions by non-employees, if there is a reasonable threat to the employee's personal safety or life, the employee is instructed to call 9-1-1 immediately and get law enforcement assistance; the City may forcibly remove the individual, institute a restraining order or other legal means as necessary to ensure employee safety. The City prohibits retaliation against any employee by another employee for reporting an incident under this Policy. Section 10. Smoke-Free Workplace The City of Lamar provides a smoke-free work environment to its employees in accordance with the Colorado Clean Indoor Air Act, C.R.S. 25-14-201 et seq. and City of Lamar Ordinance 1048. Smoking is not permitted in any indoor public place or indoor workplace. Smoking is also not permitted in any City of Lamar owned vehicle, or outside the City's buildings within a reasonable distance of any entrance, including a door, window or ventilation system so as to prevent secondhand smoke from entering the indoor workplace. Designated smoking areas have been provided at each location owned by the City. Employees should check with their supervisor for currently allowed designated smoking areas. Smokers and users of other tobacco products are responsible for keeping these areas clean and free of debris.