44 Corrective Action. Any employee who is convicted of any criminal statute must notify the Department Director within three (3) working days of conviction. Conviction includes a finding of guilt, a plea of "no contest" or an imposition of sentencing by any judicial body for such criminal violations. The City encourages employees to take an active interest in government and to participate in political affairs. All employees have the right to express their opinions on political issues and candidates, and are also encouraged to exercise these rights; provided, however, that such employee activity is subject to the following conditions: • Non-partisan position of the City - No action will be allowed by any person that infringes upon the right of any employee to decide which candidates or positions to support. The City will not endorse or contribute to any political candidate or party. • Individual actions - No employee is allowed to give the impression that any political action or position represents the City. The expression of political opinions or the conduct of political activities must be done as the actions of individuals, on their own time, and away from City facilities. • No employee shall directly or indirectly coerce, attempt to coerce command or advise any other employee to pay, lend or contribute anything of value to a political party, committee, organization, agency or person for any political purpose. Section 3. Solicitation and Distribution Unwanted soliciting by one employee of another, or collecting money from one employee by another, is prohibited while either employee is on-duty. Distributing literature and circulating petitions on City premises is also prohibited without prior approval of the Department Director. Section 4. Conflict of Interest In order to prevent a conflict of interest or the appearance of a conflict of interest, every employee will maintain professional conduct in line with the City's mission and values. No employee shall use his or her position with the City for purposes that are motivated by a desire for private financial gain for themselves or others such as immediate family, business associates, or other similar ties. Activities prohibited include, but are not limited to the following: • Accepting any gifts, gratuities or other thing of value from clients, vendors or other business associates of the City, for any value greater than $59 as provided in C.S.C. Article XXIX, Section 3(2), as amended. In no case are gifts allowed that may interfere with an employee's ability to make sound business decisions. • Receiving or accepting any fee or gratuity for negotiating contracts or other agreements. • Accepting compensation from, acting as a board member for, or having other business relations with consultants and vendors of the City without prior written permission by the City Administrator. • Offering favorable contract terms in order to obtain a personal benefit, which may or may not include monetary benefit, from any person or business entity. In addition, outside employment and business activities of Police Officers may be further limited by applicable law and/or departmental policy. CONFLICTING RESPONSIBILITY City employees may not also hold a position as City Council member, Utility Board member, or serve on any other City Board or commission (unless required by his/her position to be an ex-officio member of a board or commission). Any employee elected to municipal office shall resign from the