36 • Active Duty Military Leave must be requested twenty (20) days in advance or in the case of emergency call-up, as soon as possible. • Applicable laws will be observed regarding reinstatement after separation from military service. Employees granted a military leave of absence are reinstated and paid in accordance the laws governing veterans' re-employment rights. • The returning employee will be deemed to have accrued seniority and length of service rights as though his employment with the City had been continuous since his last date of hire with the City. • The returning employee shall have all unused Sick Leave accrued, and not paid at the time the leave began restored. ELECTIVE OFFICE Employees who wish to seek elective office shall inform their Department Director and the City Administrator. Subject to the requirements of law, the City may grant unpaid personal leave to employees who are seeking elective office, for the purposes of campaigning for and fulfilling the responsibilities of office, if elected. Employees who are granted leave under this policy must comply with City policy for unpaid personal leave in its entirety. INCLEMENT WEATHER The City Administrator, or his/her designee, may close City offices due to inclement weather or other emergency on days other than regularly scheduled holidays. When this occurs, every attempt will be made to notify employees using methods generally available. Unless otherwise requested, most employees are not expected to work during an emergency closing. However, police, fire, public works, water/wastewater treatment and parks personnel may be expected to work during most emergencies, including scheduled on-call, and, in extreme cases, off-duty personnel of these departments. The absence will be considered an excused absence for all employees and will not be charged to Vacation Leave time however, an employee may choose to use Vacation Leave time to compensate for the lost time by requesting it through their supervisor. Should an emergency occur while an employee is already on paid leave time (i.e. Sick Leave, Vacation Leave) that employee is not entitled to additional wages. Employees who do not report for work because of the weather, in the absence of an official closing that day, will be charged for that time against Vacation leave time. FAMILY AND MEDICAL LEAVE ACT (FMLA) LEAVE OF ABSENCE The City provides up to 12 weeks of unpaid, job-protected leave to eligible employees for the following reasons: • Incapacity due to pregnancy, pre-natal medical care, or child-birth. • To care for the employee's child after birth, or placement for adoption or foster care. • To care for the employee's spouse, son or daughter, or parent who has a serious health condition. • Serious health condition that makes the employee unable to perform the employee's job. FAMLI PROGRAM The Family and Medical Leave Insurance Program (FAMLI Program) is a state-run PAID Family and Medical Leave Insurance (FAMLI) program. The FAMLI program will ensure all Colorado workers have access to paid leave in order to take care of themselves or their family during life