33 DONATING LEAVE HOURS An employee who wishes to donate hours to the Requesting Employee may do so by completing a Donation of Hours Form. The employee will indicate on the Form the specific recipient of the Donated Hours, and the number of hours they wish to donate. The completed Form will be forwarded to the Human Resources Office and will be maintained there in confidence. The Human Resources Manager will review all donations to ensure that all requirements for donating Hours are met. The Manager will accumulate the number of full hours donated, deduct the Donated Hours from the balance of the donating employee, and credit those hours to the Leave balance of the Requesting Employee. The Office will maintain records to ensure that only the Leave needed is used. LEAVE TRANSFER/PAYOUT Donated Leave Hours are donated and transferred to the requesting employee in full-hour increments only. The Requesting Employee will be paid for Donated Leave at the pay rate of the Requesting Employee. Donated Leave Hours will be accumulated only to the extent needed by the Requesting Employee. Leave that is donated, but not used will not be deducted from the Leave balance of the donating employee. No payout of Donated leave is made at termination of employment. Section 7. Paid Leaves of Absences To provide income protection for employees who must be away from work under certain circumstances that have been recognized by the City as commendable civic duties or are meaningful family events, the City provides for the following paid leaves of absence from work. Leaves of Absence are offered to employees for the reasons specified herein, and are available to employees who have completed their Introductory Period with the City unless otherwise noted. Paid Leaves of Absence offered under this section does not accumulate from year to year and are not paid out at termination of employment. BEREAVEMENT LEAVE In the case of the impending passing, passing, and/or funeral of a member of the employee's Immediate Family (see Definitions & Acronyms) the City provides a Bereavement Leave benefit. Under this Policy Regular Full-Time and Regular Part-Time employees, including Introductory Period employees are eligible for three (3) days of paid Bereavement Leave to prepare for and attend the funeral. The purpose of this listing is to give the employee and supervisor guidance. It is not meant to be all inclusive. Special circumstances may be considered. The employee must request a bereavement leave of absence at the earliest possible date, no later than the start of the employee’s scheduled shift. The department head will be responsible for authorizing this type of leave of absence. If the funeral for a member of the employee's Family as outlined above requires out of town travel, or if there are other complications or extenuating circumstances, the Department Director has the discretionary authority to grant up to two (2) additional paid days off. Bereavement Leave may be used in half- or full-day increments. Other paid leave or an unpaid Leave of Absence, as approved by the Department Director may also be taken in conjunction with Bereavement Leave or in the case of the death of a close friend or family members not included in the definition above. Bereavement Leave does not accumulate from year to year and is not paid at termination of employment. VOTING LEAVE The City provides a paid Voting Leave benefit to any employee whose work schedule effectively prevents them from voting before or after work hours. An employee who is registered to vote, will be allowed up to two (2) hours of paid time-off for purposes of voting in a national, state or local