33 Program: • Short term or sporadic common illnesses such as colds, flu and the like; • Sprains or broken limbs, which do not require surgery • Migraines • Surgery that is routine, corrective or elective • Chronic illness that may result in a period of incapacity of less than 30 consecutive calendar days; • Any other condition that is generally temporary in nature and of relatively short duration; • Illness or injury that is covered by disability benefits by short-term disability. DONATING SICK LEAVE HOURS Employees may donate Sick Leave at any time during the year. It is time (hours/days) being donated, not the dollars represented by the time. No donations can be made in excess of available Sick Leave for the donating employees. Employees may make direct donations to an individual; however, donations should not be made until the Donation Leave Form has been approved. Donors who wish to make a direct donation must complete the Sick Leave Sharing Program Direct Donation form. An employee who wishes to donate hours to the Sick Leave Sharing bank may do so by completing the Leave Sharing Bank Donation Form obtained from Human Resources. All completed forms are submitted to the Human Resources Office and will be maintained there in confidence. Once donations are made, they cannot be refunded for any reason and will be applied to the Sick Leave sharing pool. Donations are strictly voluntary and kept confidential. The Human Resources Manager and Payroll Office will review all donations to ensure that all requirements for donating hours are met. The Payroll Office will accumulate the number of full hours donated, deduct the Donated Hours from the balance of the donating employee and/or leave sharing pool and credit those hours to the Requesting Employee’s Sick Leave balance. Both Offices will maintain records to ensure that only the Sick Leave needed is used. Any unused Sick Leave will be donated back to the Sick Leave Share Program. LEAVE TRANSFER/PAYOUT Donated Sick leave hours are donated and transferred to the requesting employee in full -hour increments only. The Requesting Employee will be paid for Donated Leave at their regular rate of pay. The requesting employee will only receive donated sick leave hours to the extent requested, approved and used by the requesting employee. Sick Leave that is donated to the Requesting Employee, but not used will not be deducted from the Sick Leave balance of the donating employee. No payout of Donated Sick Leave is made at termination of employment. Employees may donate all unused Sick Leave to the Sick Leave Sharing Program at the time of their termination. Each year, the Human Resources Manager will evaluate the program and make recommendations to the Sick Leave Share Board in order to determine if the donation bank should be capped depending on the annual percentage rate of donations and employee applications. Issues pertaining to the Sick Leave Sharing Program eligibility, denial of application, amount of award, etc. are not subject to the City’s grievance process. Section 7. Paid Leaves of Absences To provide income protection for employees who must be away from work under certain circumstances that have been recognized by the City as commendable civic duties or are meaningful family events, the City provides for the following paid leaves of absence from work. Leaves of Absence are offered to employees for the reasons specified herein, and are available to employees who have completed their Introductory Period with the City unless otherwise noted.