25 CHAPTER III - ATTENDANCE AND TIME-OFF Section 1. Attendance Unexpected absences from work and tardiness in reporting to work disrupts the City's ability to deliver the high quality of service its citizens expect. In order to minimize these disruptions in service delivery and to ensure a productive and efficient work effort, the City has established the following attendance policy and procedures. When employees are: (1) unable to report to work as scheduled, or (2) know they will be late, employees must notify their supervisor at least thirty (30) minutes prior to the start of their regularly scheduled work day. If an employee is unable to provide notice, the employee is responsible for having another person notify the supervisor for the employee. Notification to a person other than the immediate supervisor, when that supervisor is at work, is not acceptable. If an employee must leave work early, they must notify their supervisor or the Department Director as soon as possible prior to leaving. When calling in absent, every employee must: • State the reason for the absence (personal, illness, transportation, etc.); • Leave a phone number where the employee can be reached; and • Notify the supervisor when they can be expected to report back to work. When an employee is absent for more than one day, the employee must maintain daily contact with their supervisor, unless the employee has been previously approved for Vacation Leave or the employee has provided a health care provider's certification covering a specific period of absence. If specific accommodations are required for the employee to return back to work, then the employee shall notify their supervisor and provide documentation from their health care provider of the specific accommodations. An employee who misses four (4) consecutive days of work without notifying their supervisor, or who has four consecutive days of unexcused absences, is considered to be “job abandonment” and treated like a resignation. Any required signature of the employee on the resignation shall be waived under job abandonment. Instead, the Department Director and Administrator shall file a statement indicating how the conditions of this paragraph have been met. Department Directors will maintain attendance records in their Department and review them regularly to identify critical and chronic attendance problems requiring Corrective Action. Section 2. Holidays & Holiday Pay The City observes the following nine (9) holidays that coincide with existing official State holidays, as to the date of observance. The days on which these holidays are observed, are days on which the City's offices are closed and usual business operations are suspended or reduced. Most city employees will have the day off work on the following holidays. Official Holiday Day Holiday Recognized New Year's Day First Day of January President’s Day Third Monday of February Memorial Day Last Monday of May Independence Day Fourth Day of July Labor Day First Monday of September Thanksgiving Day Fourth Thursday of November Day after Thanksgiving Fourth Friday of November Christmas Eve Day Twenty-fourth Day of December Christmas Day Twenty-fifth Day of December