City Handbook Flipbook

13 If an employee accepts a transfer to a position in a lower Salary Range the employee's salary may be adjusted. The amount of the compensation adjustment will be determined by the appropriate placement in the Salary Range for the classification, comparison to other incumbents for internal equity and the budget for compensation approved for the department concerned. The employee's salary cannot exceed the pay range maximum of the new Classification Salary Range. Section 12. Outside Employment It is the City's Policy to allow employees to engage in outside employment under the following conditions. An employee, who wants to engage in work for an employer in addition to their primary employment with the City, must notify their Department Director, in writing on a form provided by the City. Prior notification provides the City with the opportunity to determine whether the secondary employment will conflict with the City's interests. No employee may engage in outside employment, which, in any manner, interferes with effective job performance for the City, results in, or appears to result in, a conflict of interest or may subject the City to public criticism or embarrassment. Employees engaged in or wishing to engage in outside employment must have the approval of their Department Director and the City Administrator, prior to accepting outside employment. Employees may engage in outside voluntary activities on an unpaid basis, so long as those activities do not represent a conflict of interest, impair their ability to perform their work, or employ City assets and resources. Employees may not engage in outside employment while absent from work using any leave benefits (other than Annual Leave), without prior written approval from the Department Director. Section 13. Nepotism It is the policy of the City to prohibit nepotism in the workplace. Family members will not be hired into a department where the employee directly supervises or is supervised by another family member. Employees will not influence or participate in the hiring, promotion, transfers or management of family members. More than one family member may work for the City, but under no circumstances may more than one family member work in the same department or division of a department, or have another "reporting relationship" as identified in the City's organizational hierarchy unless the following guidelines are met: 1. A family member will not directly or indirectly exercise supervisory, appointment, or dismissal authority or disciplinary action over another immediate family member or otherwise affect the morale, safety or security of the employee; 2. A family member will not audit, verify, receive or be entrusted with monies received or handled by another immediate family member, or work in a position in which collusion between the family members could subvert internal controls; 3. A family member will not have fiduciary responsibility for the employee's Confidential information, including payroll and personnel records; and 4. A family member will not participate in making or advising on employment decisions involving a relative. For the purposes of this provision, family members include: spouse, former spouse, child, parent, siblings, grandparents, grandchildren, aunts, uncles, like relations by marriage, foster and adopted children, cohabiting adult or other person who would fall under the above definition if the persons who are cohabiting were in fact married. Employees of the City who become family members after the effective date of this Manual and